America's Pastime is Baseball... Mine is Baseball, Football and Rodeo

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Planning for Summer Vacation?

We Want To Know!

When do you begin to plan out your summer vacation? Is January too early?

We'd like to hear your feedback. Contact us and let us know your opinion. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Uniforms and Accessories for Those In Service

Courtesy of Kellac

With all of the troops we have serving currently in the United States and all around the globe, the past decade has seen more and more enlisted persons and regular citizens utilizing military style and grade clothing, accessories, outerwear, footwear, and utilities, than at any other time. Not only do soldiers returning from war, or serving Stateside, adopt the use of these items for personal use, but a great amount of their family members and friends are also increasingly using these items.

There are quite a few different reasons for the growing popularity in military memorabilia, accessories and uniform items. Deborah Glasby, of Wichita, KS, says that she likes to wear her own set of fatigues while running errands around town to keep a connection to her husband Daryl while he is serving overseas. She says, "It just makes him feel closer... and it gives me the feeling like we are in it together."

While Deborah wears her olive-drab fatigues for her husband, many others wear the same Kellac Uniforms as a tribute to the services as a whole, and to all of the troops serving. Some may use these items simply for their utility, seeing as how all of the summer weight ABU Uniforms are designed for efficiency, comfort, and response.

If you would like to join in on this trend, you can start browsing through the hundreds of items from Kellac Uniforms, the Nation's premiere supplier of military uniforms and accessories. Visit them online at: